NYC Style Spot   +  LIFE

Wellness Wednesday: Children's Health

A common question I am asked is "When and what super foods can I feed my baby/toddler?"

As I always say, I am not an expert or a professional in this field but I can share what I do personally give my children from my own research. It is always going to be an individual thing that you need to look for reactions or how you/your child's body feels and acts when introducing a new food.

The most important thing is to make sure children are getting plenty of minerals & leafy greens full of chlorophyll, vitamins and photo nutrients. Coconut oil has 100's of uses but for kids it is a fantastic food to include. It's main benefit is it's capability to support their immune system immensely! Coconut oil is all I cook with as it doesn't turn into an awfully unhealthy carcinogenic (like olive oil) when heated.

Next post : Super food's I personally introduce at specific ages with my boys

Source: via Sídrà on Pinterest