NYC Style Spot   +  Inspiration

Fat Stylista
Did any of you watch the premiere of the CW's new show, Stylista? It's basically like any other competition-driven reality TV show, except this time the contestants are vying for a job as a junior editor at Elle Magazine (not to mention free rent and clothing from H&M for a year). Uh, why did I not hear about the auditions for this thing? It definitely gave me a little confidence though, partly because I have better style than half of those people, and partly because it was refreshing that a lot of them didn't have backgrounds in fashion! MAYBE THERE IS HOPE FOR ME YET, MAMA!
Okay, sorry, I didn't mean to let this turn into my personal journal. Onto the good stuff: while most of the 20-somethings were exactly what you'd expect to see in the fashion industry, I was pleasantly surprised to find that one of the stylists was actually fat! Her name is Danielle, and so far she totally seems to have the right to be there, unlike some of her peers. I was (and still sort of am) afraid that they only threw her in there to create drama as "the fat girl," but so far so good (though from the previews it doesn't seem like it will stay that way for long).
The senior editors were actually exceedingly nice to her and complimented her skills throughout the show. I have to admit though, I was wondering if it was genuine or if it was their way of trying to pretend weight isn't an important factor in the fashion industry (uh, right). Either way, I'm psyched to see where this thing heads and I'm crossing my fingers that she does well. For now I'm living vicariously though her, but with any luck I'll be next season's token fatty.