NYC Style Spot + target
shirt,skirt&sweater, target; shoes,;
I've got the most awkward smile ever. My eyes always close and my nose gets all crinkely.Anyway, as you can tell I am decked out in target products. Is that sad? My poor shoes, they don't look black anymore. I lent my shoes to a friend and we went to a party, and this other girl spilled her drink all over my friend and my shoes.
Also, apparently I have twins. I often get people telling me I resemble Charlotte Gainsbourg and recently I get alot of Kristen Stewart. I am flattered, but I don't see either. I think I know my face too well I zero in on the details. Who's your twin?
Just before I came to type this, I heard this song on the radio in my car and since it pretty much is the best gangster song ever, I thought I'd post.
ps. thank you for all the sweet supportive comments on the last post.
pps. I am going to update all my links tomorrow, so if you'd like to be added this is a great time to tell me!
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Daiane Conterato (Ford, NY): maxi skirt
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