NYC Style Spot + Inspiration
1) Sharing my outfits more frequently. When I first started blogging, I didn't want to simply make a photo blog of my daily attire; I wanted to share tips and trends and make the content focused more on you than me. I've realized recently though, that I can do both (hopefully) without compromising the original purpose of the blog.
2) Including beauty tips. In my opinion, and I realize everyone may not agree, no outfit is complete without hair and makeup. That is not to say foundation and blush are always necessary, but I see way too many girls with cute clothes who simply look unpolished because they didn't take the time for the finishing touches that can pull any look together.
3) Turning YFF into its own website.I probably shouldn't count my chickens before they hatch, but in the next 6 months I'd like to launch Young, Fat, and Fabulous, the website. It will include a lot more than just my blog, but I can't give away all my secrets just yet--so I'll wait until things actually happen to say more.
In the spirit of change #1, I present to you a few recent outfits (I know many of you have already seen these on Fatshionista, but I plan to post here from now on):FYI: Forever21's new plus size line, Faith21, has released its lookbook online. It's no surprise I'm loving the looks. Don't forget it launches May 1st!