Meshing Well With Others
I've loved all things mesh for the past couple of seasons, and the trend doesn't seem to be dying down any time soon (how cute is this dress from the Givenchy F/W 09 Collection?) Thanks to American Apparel and the like, the runway look is popping up all over the place. AA is known for using forgiving material, but something tells me their mesh dresses might not work well on my bod. And since we all know fat girl stores are behind on trends--we'll probably see mesh at Torrid in six months, if at all--I need to recreate this look using a little bit of innovation. A trip to the thrift store is definitely in order; I absolutely adore the idea of mixing black mesh with bright florals, so we'll see what I come up with. Some girls dare to bare it all (and look amazing while doing so), but I think I'll stick to using mesh as an accent and not a centerpiece.