NYC Style Spot   +  lifestyle

Still grounded.
Masih masaaa penghukuman.. but it's okay.. sekarang gue jadi lebih banyak browsing.. haha.. menambah pengetahuan juga kan jadinya? well.. tadi di sekolah diwarnai ulangan kwn yang sangat memegalkan tangan, because.. we needed to write the whole thing! geez.. believe it or not.. the test was so devastating. it's like we had to copy from the handout. in the matter of fact, yeah! memorize it all.. luckily, it ended great soo.. not a big deal.. btw.. i'm looking for yellow high waist!cuteee cuteeee~
for everyone, for whoever you are, when you're grounded. try to take a deep breath and look from the other side. try to find the meaning and enjoy the moment! perhaps, it won't be too joyful, but, at least it's one of your life's experiences.. x)
