It is only on very few occasions that you find a post by a fellow blogger so inspiring you simply cannot wait to publicize it. This post in beauty blog Arrebatadora (in Spanish) written by Cristina, is one of those. Greatly written, so useful and so relevant in our lives.
Chemotherapy has become a very effective treatment with more and more people overcoming illnesses thanks to it. However, one of the prices to pay is that your skin becomes extra delicate and in need of some TLC.
Cristina mentions how your cleaning routine needs to be that of delicate/sensitive skins. Soap is completely forbidden. The use of a specific cream for this type of skin should be the only way of cleansing the face.
Protection from the sun is essential, creams with SPF of at least 50 are required, and never forget to cover your skin conveniently.
To read this fantastic post in full (in Spanish) click here.
Congratulations to Cristina and Arrebatadora for publishing such a great article.
Picture: PA