NYC Style Spot + Inspiration
The video shows many things. How difficult it is to get a clean shot of a model leaving a show. Look at the sheer number of people hovering around Heidi and Olga's side at the end of the video, trying to itemize the clothes that they are wearing. In an effort to get an itemization of the clothes that they are wearing, they often walk side by side with the model, which ruins many shots for many other photographers. People calling the models by their WRONG names. Other sheeple then calling Heidi and Olga by the same wrong name. The flashes that go off that blow out shots. Heidi and Olga holding each other, as if to protect themselves from the onslaught of photographers.
Welcome to Paris Fashion Weak.
Students Support Clothing Trade
New York City Street Style: Soho
Road Trip: Madison Zoo
Weekend Lust: Taj's Party coming up... theme preview!
Tuesday Treats - Summer Evenings