NYC Style Spot   +  Inspiration

2010, a new beginning?

So it's a new decade and I've never been one to make New Years' resolutions but I'm determined to make 2010 the year to make some changes in my life (both online and off). Mainly it's to get motivated and finally act on ideas I've been kicking around for ages or making improvements on already existing projects-- like this blog.

In the next week or so you should expect a new & improved Thriftaholic, a version 2.0 if you will. It's been over 2 years since Jade and I launched this blog and it hasn't been overhauled since then. Back then I designed the layout with an 800 x 600 screen resolution in mind, which limited our photos to only 450 pixels across! We also want to post more frequently and be consistent with our posts. Goals for the blog in the new year:

-Post more regularly (3 times a week)
-Re-design logo/layout
-BIGGER and more creative photos
-Reader Giveaways
-Reviews of thrift stores and antique malls
-Spotlights on a particular collectible (ie lockets) and its history

What would you like to see more/less of? What questions do you have for us?

Also, we try to keep up with our link list (to the right) but let us know if you're a frequent reader and would like to be linked!

On a totally different topic, go check out the French site, La Photo Cabine. It's an online photobooth that uses your computer's camera to make old-fashioned photo strips! I'm obsessed with photo booths and it's fun to make 'faux' ones when it's too cold to venture outside (it's 10 degrees F here in Chicago). Be sure to have your poses ready though, it goes SUPER fast! The strip on the left was made at my parents' house with my childhood teddy, Mama Bear. The one on the right was taken in my office (hehe on my lunch break of course!) with my Imperial Mark XII Flash mint green camera. :)