NYC Style Spot   +  photos

A Photo a Day, Every Day, For a Year
jan7_1January 10th

So Neon Relish inspired me to take part in the 365 Project this year where you take a photo a day, every day, for a year and upload it to flickr/your blog to share with the world. I started late but that just means I'll continue through January 4th next year.

My reasoning for participating: Sometimes when you turn what you love doing (hobby/passion) into your work you stop doing it in your free time. While I'm a much better image maker after 2 1/2 years in graduate school for photography, I also take fewer 'just for fun' photos-- ie glimpses of my everyday world taken with low-fi cameras like my iphone and a Canon Elph.

Obviously quantity does not always equal quality but it will be both a challenge and a pleasure to take a photo every day for a year. If nothing else, the blog will serve as a visual diary of 2010, a new decade.

Is anyone else participating? Or know of anyone else participating? Please leave links below so I can add them to my blogroll!