NYC Style Spot   +  fashion limbo

...And we're back

Happy New Year everyone!! Fashion Limbo is back and we are ready to begin the year in style, trying to make the most of our resolutions.

This 2010 I intend to...

  • Learn a new language (Dutch actually...)
  • Finish the book I've been writing for the past 2 years
  • Be a great bridesmaid in April
  • Fly to New York and shop 'til one drops
Too many resolutions? did I overdo it with the party bubbles? am I a tad too hopeful? Guess one could say that, but the way I see it right now, I'd rather have a well populated list of things to do: if I cannot achieve everything, I will feel really proud of the things I did follow through.

I will keep you updated, my lovelies!!