NYC Style Spot   +  Inspiration

One thing I love most about blogging is getting emails from readers and seeing their personal style, especially when they dress differently from me. Meet Angel, creator of the popular urban gossip blog Concrete Loop. Her style is completely unlike my own, yet I still find it really inspirational. If you're digging her clothes as much as I am, you're in luck: she's just launched an ebay store where she'll be selling plus size clothes and shoes in sizes 10-11. If you want more, check our her personal blog Angel on Fire.Name: Angel
Age: 25
Location: North Carolina & NYC
Size: 16/18
Favorite Places to Shop: Vintage/Thrift shops, Dorothy Perkins, Old Navy, Free People, and Zappos.
My Fashion Icons: Little Edie, her style was to die for and she had head wraps for days. Erykah Badu is so quirky but cool and only she can make a hoodie and a bowler hat look dope. I'm also a fan of Kelly Osbourne - I think she has great style. And yes, I dig me some Kanye West. He's a trendsetter.
Current Obsession: Jim Barnier Boots (handmade artisan boots from Cali) are must haves! I'm also getting into brogue shoes.
Advice to other YFF Girls: Do You! If you wake up one day and want to wear some off the wall outfit, wear it (no matter your size). I've spent too many years trying to "fit in", when I should have spent them loving myself. Life is waaay too short to worry about what other people think. Cliche, but very very true.