NYC Style Spot   +  Indian Fashion Blog

Indian Fashion 2.0
Having chased your blogs from around the world for our daily fashion fix and being endlessly enchanted by this democratic revolution where monologues in fashion gave in to dialogues among demographically diverse groups, it was hard to deny the rise of the fashion blogger. 
Surely, we went on a witch hunt for Indian fashion bloggers only to be disappointed by their glaring absence. It was then, Faiza and I took a stab at closing this gap between fashion blogs and Indian fashion with Republic Of Chic. It is to be an experiment with our passion; fashion, design and photography, our Indian-ness, our amateur thoughts and expressions, our limited fashion resources in a developing country, and our urgency in sharing what we've learnt and found. It is to be an education on Indian fashion to you and mostly, to ourselves along the way :)
India has had a long history of public debate, our democracy can even be owed to it. The 'argumentative' tradition of Indians has served almost as an ethnic identity. Arguments, disputations and debates are not only a part of our Sanskrit epics like Mahabharata and Ramayana but a way of life for us particularly chatty Indians. A routine evening with friends involves a routine reasoned discourse over a cup of tea and cigarettes. Why then are we so late on the fashion blogging scene is a mystery to me. 
The Indian blogosphere is already teeming with technology (what us 'brown' nerds do best, I suppose ;)), Bollywood gossip to our inner-most thoughts. Our supposed low bandwith doesn't limit us though, from social networking or blogs. For those fellow natives who might be reading this, we know it's only a matter of time before this tidal wave hits us so why not jump the gun and pioneer the fashion blogging trend in India? We research what we buy being keen on quality and consider word of mouth recommendations very valuable. Why not bring the immediacy of sharing the latest developments in our Indian fashion industry to the rest of the internet savvy Indians? Why not let the world know all the beauty, tradition, craft and artisans we're hiding in our country. Why not inform ourselves?