NYC Style Spot   +  Inspiration

"But it's Classic!"
As I shopped with Joanne this weekend, I'm sure she thought I was absolutely ridiculous by justifying every potential purchase with these three words: "But it's Classic!". That's exactly how I came to purchase this silk top (with leather pockets!) at Zara the other day. At nearly $100, it was not a steal for my student budget by any standards. However, I knew that I will be able to wear this every which way for fall, winter, and multiple seasons ahead. And for that-- I was sold!What makes a "classic" for you?

P.S. Going to return ALL of your blog comments as soon as I am done packing for school! Sorry for being super slow at this! You`re all amazing... so blessed to have such loyal and great readers!

Wearing: Zara silk top and ponte pants, necklace from Asian nightmarket, cuff from Front & Company, Aldo wedges, H&M clutch, vintage belt