NYC Style Spot   +  Inspiration

Live in your own way...
Live in your own way...

Live in your own way... por keylarosas con oval jewelry

Joggings: a new trend...

Joggings: a new trend... by keylarosas featuring a heart handbag

Catching eyes...

Catching eyes... por keylarosas con diamond jewelry

It's not only about cute pieces, it's about taste and personality. Follow your feelings and be rational about who you are and what you want to be... Life is about taking risks, right?? So, start with the clothes!
TRADUCCION: No es solo  piezas lindas, es tambien gusto y personalidad. Sigue tus instintos y sé racional sobre quién eres y quién quieres ser... La vida es tomar riesgos, verdad?? Comienza con la ropa!