Some personal circumstances are preventing me from writing much. Paired with the fact that I have no camera at the moment, makes for a very empty blog. I'm also contemplating changes that I will introduce soon, so apologies for the lack of Limbo substance.
Firstly I would like to report on the amazing show I went to last week, as Robyn blessed Brussels with her kick-ass presence. As mentioned above, I have no camera at the time, so I couldn't take any pictures - although I was quite glad to be one of those who just enjoys the show and worries not about the perfect shot.
The concert had sold out ages ago, as it was an extremely diminute venue with no more than 200 people in it. I had seen Robyn live for the first time when she opened for Madonna in 2008. I already loved her back then, and I had been a fan of hers since the 90s. Her talent and personality have evolved so beautifully and her performance was fantastic. I danced so much I forgot about how sore my feet were from wearing some great new wedges I bought (pictured below, an exact replica from Aldo, though I bought my ones from Ulanka at half the price)
Another thing I did recently - and that you should do too if you happen to pass by Antwerp - was heading to the MoMu Fashion Museum to check out the exhibition on Stephen Jones. It is an amazing retrospecive on the wonder that is Jones as a milliner and a fashion icon. I loved the exhibition and it was truly worth the trip over there. I didn't love so much being followed around - almost stalked - by the security guard who seemed to be either bored by the lack of people and decided to focus on me, or so mesmerized by the stunning Karen Millen jumper I was rocking that she had to follow me to steal it. I took some pictures with my basic mobile phone, and you can find some decent ones below. The exhibition runs until the February 13, 2011. Go, go go!
Pictures: Fashion Limbo, Robyn, Aldo