It is that time of year again. October is not only the second month of Spring and the time of year that my jacaranda tree shows its true colours, but all Breast Cancer Awareness Month. You may have noticed men and women trawling the city selling badges, pens and other pink things. Have you purchased anything? The money goes towards research into prevention techniques and cures for Breast Cancer. Pink Ribbon Day is on the 25th of October (next Monday) and I hope to be seeing a city covered in pink!In this sweet oufit post I am wearing a badge for Breast Cancer Awareness Month (on the right side of my shorts). I have been trying to wear this badge as often as possible over the fast few days to show my support.Also, you may have noticed that women on facebook are posting statuses such as "I like it on the floor." This is a movement for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. These women are posting where they like to put their handbags at the end of the day. I strongly advice that everyone who has posted such a thing, now go out and buy a badge as well. Awareness is great but we are in a world controlled by your dollar, so please, buy a badge.Ally Pullover
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