This is why Fashion Limbo loves P!nk, especially her new video/single Raise Your Glass.
Because bullfighting is wrong. Because there is no beauty in killing an animal for fun, and because the guy wearing the glittery suit needs to either start working as a go-go dancer or donate that girlie dress to a charity shop so it can be dismantled, it’s bits sold as Christmas tree lights.
Because being gay is the way a lot of beautiful people are born and it’s just like that. If you don’t like it, move planet because the most interesting person you will ever meet lives next door with his/her same sex partner.
Because being a freak at high school meant you were the bravest, daring to be different, the only one with seriously good taste in music, and the only one who got what geniuses like Picasso and Michelangelo were about.
Because not playing by the rules will always infuriate the most boring souls, and will get you places where nobody has ever been before.
Because having no one to go to your high school ball meant you found everyone so utterly boring you rather stick to yourself. Because dancing on your own is a lot of fun, refreshing and you can step on whoever you want.
Because amazing talented people like Pink love freaks, peace supporters, animal right activists, gays, bisexuals, artists, cleaners, nurses... and you, no matter what model you come in.
To watch the inspirational/fun video click here or here.
Picture: Pink