NYC Style Spot + What I Wore
This is literally a 15 minute DIY. I used an old long tee (viscose material) that I no longer sleep in and cut it in diagonal strips to get most length out of each strip because I'm lazy and that made sewing minimal. I then arranged them around my neck for length reference and secured all the strips in place with a few stitches. My only vaguely creative contribution to the scarf was to add 3 long chains and sow them into the scarf. Just one more step; to keep the strips and chains in place and cover the (haphazardly) stitched ends, wrap the messy bit of the scarf with another small inch and half wide strip of the same material and sew it/glue it/staple it if you like. And voila! :)
I also did toy around with the idea of adding twists to the strips which is a great variation you could try if you make a voluminous one with loads of strips. If you decide make one, send me pictures, won't you? :)