NYC Style Spot + What I Wore
We really must watch out for these young Indian fashion designers, fresh off the boat and loaded with gumption such as Varun Sardana. I love how this jersey top is the definition of my style preferences, simple yet never uninteresting. The trousers, although a bit large for me, are so well tailored and have these delightful lil secret details (belt loops disguised as pleats, to name one) that I discover more and more each time I wear them. I also love the versatility of this Sannam Chopra necklace. I wore the rings on my fingers and on the necklace on and off through the day, see it? ;) I feel a bit silly elaborating on all the details in my outfit today but I do adore the teal silk and aluminium spring play off in this Baby Baniya Fish clutch.. Alright, alright.. I'll quit now.