NYC Style Spot + Inspiration
Part two of playing dress up between the sisters! :P
Aah, foundation garments are a subject near and dear to my heart. It takes a lot to get me writing about undies, but I feel especially moved to write about corsets. Mostly because I'm worried they're becoming extinct! Why, oh why, don't more women wear these fabulous, comfortable marvels that do wonders for the figure? They provide support, smooth without pinching, and give you a nice foundation for garments, all at the same time. And did I mention comfortable? I've been wearing this corset under and over everything since the day I bought it.
All these retro foundation garments have certainly come more into public awareness with the advent of Mad Men but I've discovered its just as fun to wear them over my tops and dresses as much as under. Innerwear as outerwear isn’t exactly news, but the trend does seem to have new appeal thanks to the likes of Lady Gaga and Rihanna. Have ideas on how I can wear it outside more?
Going Mod With My Mini
Daiane Conterato (FORD NY)
Soho: Natural Red to complement the grey NYC sky: Homme
Window Shopping at ASOS...