Fur Real??!!The transition between a break and going back to school is always a little bit tough. I'm thankful for being able to go to school, but the night owl in me undeniably dreads the change from sleeping in until noon most days to 8AM classes three days a week. So much to my delight, we were graced with a morning off on the 3rd day of classes courtesy of the snow. After it melted off the ground in the early afternoon, though, classes resumed. But since I only had morning classes today, what did that mean? A blissful day of sleeping in, relaxing and reading in bed. Hooray!P.S. Please pardon the cheesy and unfunny title. I am genuinely a little bit embarrassed.
Wearing: Zara faux fur gilet, Elizabeth and James jacket (underneath, seen here), thrifted dress (hem shortened, last seen here), Wolford tights (last seen here), Coach bag, Halston Heritage flats, label-less cashmere lined leather gloves