NYC Style Spot + spring
The downside: POLYESTER! I have no idea how people wore polyester suits before the days of air conditioning! Most of my 1970s clothing is made out of polyester, consequently I cannot wear it in the summer but it does keep me toasty in the autumn and winter. I also wear a cotton slip underneath my dresses to keep it away from my skin. Many of the 'tea party' style dresses are lighter as they're made of a more gauzy, sheer polyester and isn't as heavy. Generally I pass on maxi dresses made of polyester, anything with too huge/wide of a lapel and colours/patterns that look too dated. The goal is to look contemporary with a vintage vibe and not like I just walked out of The Brady Bunch or That 70s Show. OUTFIT DETAILS:
Calvin Klein leather boots: Buffalo Exchange, Chicago1970s Dress: Thrift Store in Memphis, TN (near Graceland!)1970s floppy hat: Millinery shop in downtown Los AngelesVintage Leather Belt: Brown Elephant, ChicagoBlack & White Bakelite Bangles: Thrifted, Chicago1970s Sunglasses: Antique Store, Chicago1970s Blue Sweater Coat: Salvation Army, Chicago1970s Leather Made in Morroco Saddle Bag: Buffalo Exchange, Chicago I fancy that these bracelets are made of Bakelite, I haven't tested them yet (anyone have a fullproof method? I don't want to do the hot pin test). One of my all time favorite finds, this leather saddle bag is a unique alternative to the school satchel style purses that are everywhere right now. I like that it's vertical rather than horizontally oriented as it doesn't bump people on the bus/El when it gets crowded (practical!)
The Polaroid camera is the largest I've ever come across (aptly named Big Shot), it was bought at ORD-RED's holiday sale last year. The Big Shot was meant specifically for portraiture and was produced between 1971 and 1973. It was purportedly a favor of artist Andy Warhol due to its quality. Tomorrow I'll be shooting more 1970s looks, "Disco Queen" and "Prairie". I'm not sure what I'd label this outfit, maybe Boho Traveler?
GIVEAWAY: Karen Walker Super Duper Strength Sunglasses
New York Street Fashion: westbound on Prince Street
Perfect Pair
borrowed from a nurse