This image I fear is what so many people associate with body paint, but there is so much more art out there. It is not all about suggestive art. Simple accessories such as necklaces can be 'painted' onto the body, and when it comes down to it tattoos are a form of permanent body paint. So last week, inspired by Miss Unkon body paint artist Becca Gilmartin, makeup artist Caroline Campbell covered my hand with a painted glove. Cute? Feminine? Or obscure? What are your thoughts on body paint? Dotti Knit
Valleygirl Shorts
Supre Bandeau
Rubi Shoes Makeup by Caroline Campbell
Photography by Kassidy Yang
NYC Style Spot + Inspiration
If Patience is a Virtue, Call Me a Sinner
Window Shopping at ASOS...
i lost my teenity!
Plant The Book; Visionaire 58 Spirit - A Tribute to Lee Alexander McQueen