NYC Style Spot   +  Inspiration

Summer lovin' is yet to begin

Winter is no doubt my favourite season, however there's just something about the summer season. The sand between my toes as I slowly glide across the beach as the waves crash calling me to sink into their exfoliating grip; the amount of women who suddenly look after themselves by way of exercise and body moisturiser; the pop colours that can be seen on tanned ladies toenails; tattoos that were hidden in the winter suddenly out to show; being able to enjoy an evening out dancing without worrying about getting a cold.

I can hardly contain my excitement. Last night I applied my first fake tan of the season and with each limb my anticipation grew greater and greater. My shorts have suddenly taken residence where I can access them easily, and my blonde hair has been dyed a shade just a hint golder. Summer is definitely on the cards for me this year, and I am ready to embrace the pool parties, candy coloured lips and bright sandals. As for Fashion's Sweethart, get ready for us to strip off our hoisery and showcase legs, legs, legs!!!

Makeup: Kathryn Rose
Photography: Allanah Hockam
Model: Holly Chetcuti