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6:00 am: 2 glasses of water with rising, warm preferably and with lemon and honey if you're looking to lose weight.
6:15 am: Cold or room temperature hip bath Continue with Jal Neti and Oil Pulling with sesame oil (on an empty tummy)
6:30 am: Meditate if it pleases you - it has come to be a life force for me
7:00 am: A piping hot cup of yummy 'prakruti' coffee sweetened with jaggery or green tea
7:30 am: Start with Pranayama and proceed with your yoga routine (Mine consists of 12 Suryanamaskars and rigorous Vrksasana series, Trikonasana series, Sirshasana series, Chakrasana series, Paschimottasana series, Ardha Matsyendrasana, Mayurasana, Vasisthasana, Sarvangasana series)
9:00 am: Breakfast - A nourishing big mug of fruit or veggie juice - Relish it and pray it sustains you until lunch. I am always hungriest (read crankiest) at 9!
10:00 am: Mud bath followed with a cold hip bath or full immersion Follow with a cold shower
12:30 pm: Lunch - 2 chapatis + avial + porial/subji side + salad
3:00 pm: Steam Bath followed with a cold shower / abdominal pack
4:00 pm: If you, like me, enjoy the ritual of brewing yourself a cup of tea and relaxing with a book in your garden every evening, then go right ahead but substitute your tea/coffee with green tea
After 4 we took leisurely walks in the fields and around the country side, played with some neighbour Rottweiler puppies, watched fishermen bring in their catches and auction them, built sandcastles on the beach and spent loads of quality time chilling with the family. The key is to not only rest your body a lot but also relax you mind.
Oh and Sundays were (liquid) fasting days with juices for breakfast and lunch and if you're stark raving ravenous then fruit for dinner, else continue with juices. There was a sign in Malayalam that said on days of fast you're not even supposed to talk let alone getting spent on phones or laptops. Treat this day as you would sabbath.
If you're looking for a more rigorous overhaul, then detoxify your system completely by fasting for 2 - 4 days every three months with liquids, preferably fresh lemon water with honey 4- times daily or tender coconut water and follow it up with an all-fruit course for 5 to 7 days and then resort to normal diet cautiously and gradually. I cannot even begin to list out the benefits of the above, so just do it or google it first! :P