NYC Style Spot + winter
During breaks from shooting I hung out in my friend Maranda's booth who was selling her wares for the first time at the market. In the first photo of this post I'm holding an amazing cat print skirt she was selling in her booth-- the cooler version of me would definitely be rockin' it. Maranda & I posing in her booth-- I wore comfortable outfits to the market including my snow boots (it was chilly all weekend here in Chicago!). Maranda had clever display ideas in her booth and tons of jewelry! We made jokes about the title (Cock 'o the Walk) of this purse all weekend long. Sadly it didn't sell. Maranda was selling a hot pink coat that perfectly matched her outfit. I'm showing off the mink & velvet fascinator that I purchased at the market. The more I looked at">Skip About Like Lambs' booth the more I discovered, she definitely took advantage of her corner booth with excellent displays. My friend Sarah in the booth she shared with her sister, it was also her first time selling at the market. She had a killer collection of purses and bags (pictured below). Walter had a wonderful display of Midcentury vases in his booth (above) and a collection of vintage photographs (below). Midcentury teak vikings seen in Walter's booth. My two #ThrifBreak twitter friends were selling side by side at The Vintage Bazaar, Steve's booth is pictured above and Scott of New Documents is below. I should have snapped up the yellow enamel pot from Rainy Penguin's Booth. I fell in love with Sky High's aesthetic-- she runs an art gallery in Milwaukee and only sells vintage on the side. The folk art wood plaque caught my eye, it reminds me of Alfred Stieglitz's photograph of Georgia O'Keeffe's hands. Sky High mixed vintage pulp novels with religious iconography, fun juxtaposition. I was also in awe of Opendoor Studio's aesthetic-- globes, metal signage and lots of bits and bobs to dig through-- I regret not purchasing those '70s sunglasses. After thinking about these GIANT light bulbs at Ord-Red's booth I went back on Sunday to see if they were there but unfortunately they had sold! I'm not sure what I would have done with them but they make a great decorator piece. My friend Karyn of Dethrose Vintage looked adorable as always, her collection of pre-1970s dresses always tempts me. A candid shot of Karyn in her booth. Bummertown Vintage was next to Karyn's booth, I saw many happy customers browsing their racks throughout the weekend. Karyn purchase the above skirt from Bummertown, it's definitely meant for TWIRLING. A customer trying on a fluffy coat in Bummertown's booth. Katherine Raz eventually purchased it (photo later on in this post!). Jen of Jenstyle Vintage always has a wide selection of boots and shoes along with funky accessories and clothing. She also always can be counted on to wear a stylish vintage outfit. "> Yellowbirdd's booth above & below. I'm always envious of Nicole of Bombshell Shocked's well styled outfits-- her hair, makeup and accessories are always the picture of 1950s perfection. One of the most photogenic booths at the market was Hot House Market. Carrie & Doug surprise me every time with their choice of merchandise and their meticulous displays, it's hard to take a bad picture in their booth! They're also superhuman as not only did they have their booth at The Bazaar, they also were at The Dose Market on Sunday! A small mountain of tins tempted me but I've banned myself from buying any vintage tins in the future. By the second day of the market most of the tins had sold. Quirky embroidered pictures, I was especially amused by the one on the left. Colorful drink glasses perfect for summertime lemonade. Gold sequined shoes! The embroidered pillows also tempted me but they wouldn't have matched with my green striped sofas. The whimsical bottle stoppers also sold briskly over the weekend. Next door to Hot House Market was Andrew of Houndstooth Vintage's booth. He has a unique aesthetic and also excels at merchandising. If I had the money I'd buy an entire vignette from his booth and set it up in my home. Andrew always finds unusual objects to display under his glass domes/cloches, I was particularly drawn to the texture of the white feathers. Vintage black & white photographs in Jet Set Vintage's booth, I also liked their sign made out of a Lite Brite game. "Mantiques" and quality furniture seen in Manly Vintage's booth. A pre-historic style necklace seen in Manly Vintage's booth-- would make quite the fashion statement. A bold, graphic painting (or print?) in Artefacto's booth. Rows of vintage eyeglass frames at Lab Rabbit Optics. Colorful housewares and furniture from Apt528. I was drawn to their grouping of brightly hued thread spools below. Sarah of Cushion Chicago joking around in her booth before the show opened on Sunday-- she's rollin' in the dough. Somehow Katherine of Back Garage co-ran the market and also sold wares out of her own booth (with help from her cheerful husband Jem). Of course there was lots of designer plasticware, terrariums and 1970s glitz galore in her booth. The kitchen jars remind me of my childhood. Melmac! Both Katherine & Libby found rad and unique coats at the market, Katherine's is from Bummertown and Libby's is from Zzouzi Vintage. My dream starburst clock at Century Chicago. I was determined to get photographs of happy customers with their purchases at the market thus I resorted to stalking people around The Bazaar. Several of the customer photographs were blogged on the TVB website. Here are a few more that didn't make it into that post. As Scott and I were talking about this 1970s Japanese pottery snail, a woman swooped up and bought it out of Steve's booth. It was so neat I had to take more than one photo of it!
Phew I hope you enjoyed this MEGA post of The Vintage Bazaar Coverage. Did you attend? What did you find?
Want even more Vintage Bazaar action? Read what other bloggers had to say:
AvoisionZilredlohDethrose Vintage
The Force Comes To Melbourne
Oh Paris...
Marike Le Roux Off Duty (Wilhelmina, NY)
Look of the Day: Not Your Everyday T-shirt & Sneakers
Weekend Lust: Waldemar Kolbusz, another stunning exhibition at my local gallery