NYC Style Spot   +  Inspiration

the power of color
Dear readers, here is some shouts and screams from Jackie Clark, she does outreach for Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance, one brilliant woman to talk about cancer.

photographer: ARDY SOEJANTOThe Power of Color By: Jackie Clark
Fashion is one of those things that is often overlooked when serious illness takes precedence over a person's life. For many young women who experience a cancer diagnosis, such as mesothelioma cancer, this is a shame. 
Fashion can help increase the positive attitude that is crucial when undergoing treatment and recovery from any type of cancer. A serious mesothelioma prognosis can be shocking and horrible; it is important for young women to embrace the things in life that give them pleasure and make them happy. Fashion is one of those things to many people, even if some people think it is a trivial pursuit.
One of the main things that fashion can do is impart color into people's lives. It can take a gray, rainy day and make it burst with spring or summer. This can be done easily with a fabulous printed item that is reminiscent of the beautiful spring flowers that bloom every year, or fabric that brings up memories of hot summer days at the beach. The colors and prints are some of the magic that can transform fashion from a normal item of clothing into something really special. A young woman wearing a skirt that is made from her favorite fabric with her favorite pattern will instantly feel uplifted, lovely and happy. That is a big accomplishment for someone who feels miserable due to her prognosis or treatment.Young women can choose to wear items in their favorite colors for an instant mood-lifting burst of energy. Wearing something that you love is an easy way to look beautiful effortlessly because the glow comes from within. It happens because you are happy wearing a beautiful item of clothing that makes you feel special and great. 
If a young woman's favorite color is blue she should try wearing many different shades throughout her cancer treatment process. Every day can be a new adventure in blue until she gets tired of it and wants to move on to something else. This is a fun way to develop a personal identity that has nothing to do with the cancer diagnosis that is always on everyone's minds.
Fashion might seem trivial, but it is an important and effective way to build the confidence fight cancer, and face the world head-on. When someone stops caring about the way they look it is easy for them to become depressed. Wearing colors that make her feel powerful and beautiful is a fast way to change her attitude and feel better. How can you feel depressed when you are wearing something that you absolutely love?