NYC Style Spot   +  Inspiration

Get what you want
Flowers, bloom and wither, and so does life. Every second we grow into something else, sometimes we would never know what the future might hold, we could turn into something better, but at some point, we could go down hill and suffer a little, but then again, that is the part where life gets exciting and full of surprises. I feel like my life span is just like a cactus. I am full of thorns, sharp and steady, I need not much water to survive, I've been through extreme situation, dry and blazing. But then again, I survive, I still do bloom.'
Anyways, I want to share to you today a little excitement for everyone! SHOPPING! Recently, I discovered the easy way to shop with Tokopedia! 3 easy steps to shop online : search, buy, and get what you want delivered to you! Don't worry about the safety, it's guaranteed because they use "rekening bersama" at Tokopedia. 
So there I've been browsing to find myself the perfect outfit, and my eyes rolls down into this dress! I got it from Tokopedia's fashion category, so make sure you make your way through the site and shop your favorite look! The steps were simple and I got the item in less than 2 days! why wait now? TOKOPEDIA SOCIAL MEDIA: