NYC Style Spot + Inspiration
The seventh son of the seventh son, aptly named Septimus Heap, is stolen the night he is born by a midwife who pronounces him dead. That same night, the baby's father, Silas Heap, comes across a bundle in the snow containing a new born girl with violet eyes. The Heaps take this helpless newborn into their home, name her Jenna, and raise her as their own. But who is this my"The seventh son of the seventh son, aptly named Septimus Heap, is stolen the night he is born by a midwife who pronounces him dead. That same night, the baby's father, Silas Heap, comes across a bundle in the snow containing a new born girl with violet eyes. The Heaps take this helpless newborn into their home, name her Jenna, and raise her as their own. But who is this mysterious baby girl, and what really happened to their beloved son Septimus?
The first book in this enthralling new series by Angie Sage leads readers on a fantastic journey filled with quirky characters and magykal charms, potions, and spells. Magyk is an original story of lost and rediscovered identities, rich with humor and heart."
The saga has 7 books that I totally will read!
Il y a deux semaines que j'ai devouvert cette livre. Il s'appelle Magyk et c'est le synopsis:
"Le magicien silas heap trouve un nouveau-né dans la neige : une petite fille aux yeux violets, emmaillotée dans une couverture. l'enfant, baptisée jenna, va grandir auprès de ses six frères, dans sa nouvelle famille. mais un mystère entoure ses origines... jenna a-t-elle réellement été abandonnée?"
Il y a 7 livres de cette saga. Je vais les lire tous parce que je suis amoreuse de cette histoire :)
Photos: Photo 1, Photo 2
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