New York as I know it...or well at least the highlights of my trip:
-Without the need to bat my lashes or sleep with a flight attendant, I was more than fortunate to be upgraded to fly first class to New York. I sipped on champagne, watched a film, stuffed my face with truffles like a spoiled brat and slept peacefully on a reclining bed with down filled comforters—It was truly amazing!
-My boys and I were mistaken more than a few times by strangers asking if we were models or whether we were in the acting business because of how constantly polished looking we were EVERYWHERE we went.
-I spent more money on the first day of shopping in SoHo than the cost of the entire plane ticket & hotel accommodation.
-I bought a jumpsuit or what I like to call a male romper at Opening Ceremony and trust me I look cuter in it than an 8 month old baby teething.
-Met Amanda Lepore while out on the town and [window]shopped at Prada in SoHo with Jay Manuel just steps away from me in store. (I would have lost my SH*T if it was Ms. Jay instead of Mr. Jay though. )
-I got lost in Brooklyn while having a bit too much to drink and stumbled into an abandon sugar refinery, which turned out to be a huge nightclub.
-I was more than flattered for being recognized from my blog & as the Starving Stylist by a delightful reader from New York while shopping in SoHo. (Hi Reah! I hope I didn’t spell your name wrong! Sorry!)
-I held on to dear life every time while being driven around in a cab in New York. People drive like maniacs in this city! I either got almost hit by a car or got into a car accident like 235,529 times during my weeklong visit.
-FABULOUS eats at the Standard Grill in the Meat Packing District, El Quijote in Chelsea & Felix in SoHo, which are probably the only three meals I could recall ever having on the trip. Less eating = More $$$ for shopping & clothes.
-I got lost inside of the HUGE Barneys New York on Fifth Avenue. I’m NOT kidding. I literally spent 2 hours looking for my friends inside of the store!
-I added my name on the wait list of like 3-months at Mulberry for the Oversized-Alexa bag in Oak.
-Sunday night at Greenhouse with the boys. Amazing venue, amazing friends and more than AMAZING time.
-I was a complete dorky tourist with the “Ooohs” & “Ahhhhs” while in the middle of the magnificently grand but seizure inducing Time square.
-Being the loud and antsy person I am, I caused a bit of mischief at the Met Museum...I never laughed so hard while getting yelled at by security so much in my life for something so minor in my life!
-Stumbling into the lobby of my hotel at 4am every day after a night out not looking as prim as the way I first left was definitely unforgettable. All of the front desk associates probably think I’m a HUGE loon but with nice shoes.
-There was a 9 hour flight delayed when I was returning home to Vancouver. I slept at the airport waiting for my flight home like an upscale homeless person on the benches with a Louis Vuitton Keepall as a pillow.
Overall, my trip was more than amazing with many more experiences that would take up more than just one blog entry or are really, just too private & most intimate to even share with everyone.
Whatever happened in NYC doesn’t stay in New York or go on my blog but will remain in my "heart" instead. [insert sappy awes & Disney Soundtrack now].