NYC Style Spot   +  TIME

Dear New York, with Love

I've been to New York City before and with every trip I take into the Concrete Jungle, I desire and crave more of it. The passion, the sense of pride and the complete life is absolutely incredible in this city—I don't just love this city, I yearn for it.

This trip was short but it was greatly needed. I have become far too jaded too soon while being far too young in my life but this getaway to New York was exactly what I needed to get my self-esteem and passion up and running again from where it had stopped some time long ago.

I could buy all the Chanel in the world right now but nothing beats the indescribable experience I just had in New York City recently.—Oh, and the Barney's warehouse sale wasn't too shabby either.

Loves my new A.Wang & of course New York City.