Blazer: GAP. Sweater: CLUB MONACO. Jeans: ACNE. Loafers: ASOS. Bag: MULBERRY.
Within the last few years as The Starving Stylist, who would have ever thought my little blog would become such a local troublemaker...errr...I mean notable personality. This blog that was created was just an outlet for my rampant imagination and a place where I could share my love for anything beautiful, shiny, designer or just plain fabulous.
I may not blog as much as I should because of the lack of time I have...Okay, okay, okay. I'm totally lying—I'm just plain butt lazy, but the matter is, I want to thank you, YOU ALL, from the bottom of my Prada loving and jaded heart for following my blog and listening to my constant bitching and complaining.
Thank you to all those who have constantly devoted a second to comment on every blog entry or their precious time to email me with words of appreciation and encouragement. I'm sorry that I sometimes don't respond but don't ever think I've never grateful for them. Thank you.
Thank you for all those who have been courageous enough to approach me even with my chronic bitch face in full action, and just basically introducing yourself while expressing your liking of my blog. From the streets of Vancouver to even one time in New York, to at lavish parties and even at the Yoga studio where I'm drenched in sweat, thank you for your support and it was wonderful meeting you too.
Lastly, thank you to the haters. From the homophobic hate mail to the nasty deprecating comments to even the gossip around town, thanks for talking. By no means am I a celebrity or anything, but being a fashion blogger like myself, where I am on the internet for inspiration or scrutiny, it has made me become thick skinned.
Photographs taken by Niki of A Haute Mess.