NYC Style Spot   +  PARTY

Mondays Design Inspiration: More of Cove's Party last year...

Here are some more detailed pics of Cove's rushed 1st Birthday Party, June last year... I showed you some earlier in this post. It was held at my parents house. Yes, his 2nd Birthday is coming up soon (July 16th) and it is going to be much, much healthier. I know party food is for parties but I have to practise what I preach! ;)
Taj helped me with everything of course, even if it wasn't perfect and a little messy... that's what it's all about- fun for the kids, not just the adults!

The cake I made with bunting off etsy

The Party Boy in his tee I screen printed

Taj and his girl

Best buddies!

Most of the decorations can be found at;
TLBC (The Little Big Company)