NYC Style Spot   +  Inspiration

Bits & Bobs
So unfortunately I haven't been able to photograph the piles of thrifted items from last weekend's trips to the Salvation Army, the Brown Elephant and Village Discount Outlet so here are a few photos of items that I had thrifted in Wisconsin last fall.

This casino-style pattern would look great on a poker table... wish I had found more of the glasses! I found the glass and custard cup (?) at a Good Will in Madison, Wisconsin. The glass is unmarked but the cup is milk glass and made by Fire King.

A little aqua ice bucket made of a material similar to Thermoware. I managed to snatch this right before a hipster girl grabbed it off the shelf at the Madison Good Will.

The little Anchor Hocking glass on the right is barely larger than a shot glass and the two on the left I believe are newer (they're made in Thailand) but the pattern looks very 60s/70s.

A tiny apothecary jar and an unmarked green vase. It was hard to photograph the little blue bottle but it says on the side: "Bromo-Seltzer, Emerson Drug Co., Baltimore, MD." I've always enjoyed picking up small bottles, some of the first items I collected were some glass medicine bottles that were dug up by the owner of an antique store that my father & I frequented in Hawa'ii.

I love old Mason & Ball jars and don't come across them often at the thrift.