NYC Style Spot + Inspiration
I know there are a ton of us out there, many of us blogging away about what's in and what's out, about our most recent obsessions on the runway, and about our burning desire to one day work under Anna Wintour. Face it, since we're young, we're also most likely broke, which kind of puts a damper on our dreams of lining our closets in designer dresses anytime soon. But unlike a lot of my fellow fashionistas, there is something else that prohibits me from buying designer: a little (er, big) thing called fat.
That's right, I'm fat. And no, not the "fat" that the fashion industry defines (size 8), but the real kind, you know, the kind that means that yes, I have stepped foot in the oh-so-dreaded plus-size stores, and the kind that means it's a rare (but celebratory) occasion that I can squeeze my rather large ass into a generously cut XL at straight-sized stores.
The dilemmas of fat fashion are innumerable, which brings us to the burning question that I'm sure is running through all of your minds this very second: is it possible to be both fat and fabulous? I'm not gonna lie, it is it a hell of a lot harder for us than the waifs whose biggest shopping concern is that the store may be out of their size (hello, try going into a store that doesn't carry your size in the first place). But, my fat friends, do not give up hope, for I know from first hand experience that while it may be difficult, it is not impossible. Learn to put in a little more effort in the right places, and you'll be surprised at how damn good your size 22 body will look when you see yourself in that dressing room mirror, honey.
This blog is dedicated to those girls like me; the ones who are so in love with an industry that is, well, so not in love with us. Rants, raves, reviews; it's all here, baby. We're young. We're fat. We're fabulous. (Which, by the way, will henceforth be shortened to YFF).
Oh, and just for the record, this is me, Gabi, your YFF blogger. Pleased to meetcha.
Lily Allen Rocks Antwerp In Style
pardon our dust
Vogue Girl Korea's Fashion Editor Kim Ji Young...and a thanks
Helena Christensen at Marchesa
Casting Director: Julia Samersova Adler, a behind the scenes power house