Richie Rich Does Plus SizesYesterday I had the pleasure of running into none other than Heatherette designer, Richie Rich (this is why I love being in NYC). As much as I love Heatherette's stuff, I was more than excited to meet Richie because I'd heard that he's coming out with a plus size line! We spoke briefly and he assured me that he's pumped for the launch. Back in April, he told the press “It should be cool. I’m coming out with a plus size line, which I’ve never done before; that I’m really excited about because a lot of the girls that approached me — and guys that approached me — are, um, you know, they’re not little twigs." Richie is one of the first high-fashion designers that is pursuing a line for fat girls (and being vocal about it) and I can't wait to see what's in store!
Hear what he had to say at the White House Black Market Press Preview: