NYC Style Spot + Inspiration
Just a quick post today as I'm back in my hometown of Fayetteville, Arkansas this week visiting my family. I've been to a few thrift stores while here but haven't found much yet, just a few vintage patterns, a Lustroware pitcher & a 1960s Better Homes & Gardening decorating book. Tomorrow Jade & I are hitting some garage sales so hopefully that turns up something!
Today I was inspired to wear the above dress, the sun broke in the late afternoon after overnight thunderstorms. It's most likely meant to be a housedress as it has hip pockets but when when worn belted it's pretty enough to wear around town. I bought it, along with 5 other handmade house/shift dresses at a stoop sale in my neighborhood a couple of months ago. They're all made of lightweight cotton, hit a bit above the knee and are perfect for humid summer weather. At $3 each they were also a bargain. My name (Leilani) means 'heavenly flower' in Hawaiian... I grew up in Maui, Hawa'ii (though my family moved to Arkansas when I was 12).
Surprisingly hibiscus bushes grow in regions where I wouldn't expect them to thrive, like my neighborhood in Chicago and right outside my parents' home in Fayettevill(where the above pictures were taken).
The white wicker and 'pearl' purse was found at a Springdale thrift store. The hula girl image is probably from the 1940s or '50s and I bought it at the Rosemont Flea Market near Chicago. A detail shot of the necklaces I wore today-- a 1960s/70s Sarah Coventry pendant (I like the goldenrod colour of the plastic jewel in the middle, I like to think it's bakelite though it's not old enough) bought at a thrift store in Memphis, TN and a 1950s starburst gold plated pendant worn on an extralong chain from the Pasadena Community College flea market. The photo is a vintage postcard I found on this site: Jane's Oceania.