NYC Style Spot   +  lifestyle

i don't need no shoes
sorry for being such a horrible blogger. well, at least today i'll pay all my debt! i feel so lucky with selftiming photography, at least all of my pictures were taken by the mighty invention of self-timer. well, it was pretty hot today, like 43'C in melbourne. i'm loving the heat, but not the fact i couldn't get no sleep.

anyways. i've been shopping a lot! especially on boxing day, and i've also been working a lot! everything is paid off. well, i've been procrastinating my blog post for like a while, but really, i'm working on it. the bitch will please you all.

READY FOR THE EXHILIRATING PART? :) ENJOY..Tank top - Lollita, Necklace - Sportsgirl, Acid washed short - Supre, Bangles - DIVA, mickey mouse bracelet - disneyland hongkong