I recently fell in love with these fantastically fun pair of heels by Miu Miu. With a 14 cm (5.5 inches) heel, they are both gorgeous and scary. Completely covetable, albeit quite a personal challenge. You see, the tomboy in me tells me to forget life's discomforts and never stop wearing Converse trainers and snugly Ugg boots. The feisty female in me (yes, I am full of contradictions, but I'm a girl so this is all pretty average) wants to do her home chores in high-heels, stroll along sunny streets in style.
While some fashionistas are predicting the end of towering shoes and a return to kitty-like proportions, others are gearing up to watch Sex and The City 2 and copy all of Carrie Bradshaws looks, from head to painful toe. To heel or not to heel, that is the question.
"There are entire compartments of my life in which I happily exist in flats or wellingtons. But there are times when you have to look the business" Lisa Armstrong, writing for Times Online.
"The men (and yes, it is mainly men) who design these instruments of torture really should be made to wear the wretched things." Anna Williams , Times Online reader.
"I don't know who invented high heels, but all women owe him a lot." Marilyn Monroe
"I used to wear heels because I wanted to show people I wasn't ashamed of being tall. But I don't wear them any more because you don't have to wear heels to be beautiful. I can't even remember the last time I wore heels" Elle Macpherson
"Now I can wear heels" Nicole Kidman, on divorcing Tom Cruise
“Close you eyes and tap your heels together three times. And think to yourself, there's no place like home.” From The Wizard Of Oz
Picture: Net-A-Porter