Bright SkiesLately I have been learning more and more about the value of money. My parents worked hard their entire lives so that we could live comfortably and not have to worry about financial issues. Admittedly, they spoil me to this day and make sure I have more than enough to live on. Although it is because I am still in school and not working, I know that this is not to be taken for granted. There are also many more productive ways to spend money than on clothing (or anything for yourself, for that matter). In addition, I want to start learning to save money for the future and develop some good money management skills. I do not want to live paycheck to paycheck when I start working like so many North Americans do today!Therefore, I have resolved to not do any clothing/non-essentials shopping until I find a job for the summer-- and even when I do, I will be very careful about what I buy. This will be harder than it sounds, because I have some pre-sale postcards sitting on my desk from a few of my favourite shops! However, I think this will be a great opportunity to stretch my creativity as well and see what I can come up with from my existing closet.The skirt and top were my last two purchases. I had dim sum on Main St. with my parents after church on Sunday and decided to drop by Front & Co for a browse. Am I glad that I did-- this ruffly cobalt blue top immediately caught my eye. It is Liz Claiborne, if you can believe it and only set me back about $20. The gorgeous pale-yellow, silk lined like-new condition (excuse all the adjectives) pencil skirt is Cacharel and cost only $38... did someone price it wrong?! It fits like a glove and makes me feel so girly! The bold colours in this outfit remind me a bit of Emma Pillsbury from Glee :)