Jake was sweet enough to pick me up at the airport on Saturday but due to traffic and obligations didn't really get to hang out until Monday when Ahmar met up with us after he got off work. We visited an architectural salvage store that had amazing industrial chic finds but cost too much $$ to be practical for either one of us (also there was no way I could take any of it home). I did, however, take a photo with that sweet (airplane??) propellor.
Also, Jacob had a hankering for fresh fruit so he picked up a bag at a roadside stand-- it included cucumbers for some reason! Above: It was hard to get clear photos inside the store (I was sneaky and used my iphone) so these were the only two that turned out.
Below: More thrift/vintage shopping... we were amused by this vintage mens' shirt and I really wished I could have taken those sunny yellow diner chairs back with me to Chicago! We spotted them at the Hollywood Ave. Good Will thrift store in Los Feliz.