NYC Style Spot   +  Inspiration

Pin the Tail
(Wearing Self Made Padded Lace Top, Grey Stretchy Jeans from Tibetian Market, Black Peeptoe Boots from Local Store, Grey Suede Clutch, Faux Fur Key Chain as Bag Accessory)(Inspiration: Valerija Kelava in luxurious laces and fur, for Numéro#113 May 2010)
Some lace from a thrift fabric store + Many failed attempts to awesome monstrous/acute shoulder padding = This slightly padded semi demure lace top. I suspect it will look much better with a tinier camisole/brassier underneath, but I'm not sure I have the spunk! :|
My favourite bit in this outfit though, has to be that giant old faux fur fox tail that has fascinated me since I was a child. I dug it out of a bag full of aging stuffed toys and converted it into a clip-on accessory and it has been ridin' with me since. How fun is playing pin the tail on everything?! ;)

PS. Please excuse the grainy point and shoot photos shot in the dark! I haven't had much time for outfit posts lately.. :(