NYC Style Spot   +  fashion limbo

And this is it - New Fashion Limbo

So yes, a whole week for this? An entire week to focus dozens of ideas, creative juices, magazine cut-outs and a lot of mental power to offer you, my lovely readers, a whole new Fashion Limbo.

There’s a new logo, a pristine banner (thanks to my bro for the great work, and my sis for the brainstorming) and a different feel throughout, so feel free to explore, comment, and share your opinion on the changes.

We will have regular sections:

I need a shoe - a weekly round-up on the best shoes according to ... whatever I feel like.
What I wore - Outfit post - because we hardly need an excuse to look stylish
What I bought - my latest purchases, and if you behave, I may even tell you where i found them.
And I may or may not let my fashion-freak fly once a week and rant, just because you inspired me so much after I wrote THAT Madonna post.

It hasn’t been a great year for me, my health has been testing me and I had to leave a job I adored. However I intend to rise fabulously from it all wearing the highest, sexiest heels.

There may be lots of style blogs out there, great writers, skilled journalists... but I’m a feisty one - I’m going to take this blog to the next level and you are all coming with me.

Thanks for all the support and love from my readers, friends, family and mostly, Rob, for the guidance and encouragement each and every day. Thanks to the IFB and the lovely bloggers that leave great comments on my posts.

I’ll be seeing you... right here xxx