Who? Emma Pillsbury, a character of TV show Glee, portrayed by actress Jayma Mays. A guidance counselor for high school students, Emma suffers from mysophobia, which means she can be seen using anti bacterial wipes and rubber gloves all day round. The typical "wouldn't hurt a fly" girl on the outside, she has a strong character inside and is slowly becoming one of the show's favourites.
What do we like? Those expressive eyes, her calming tone when talking and that gorgeous strawberry blonde hair colour are all up to Jayma, but as this is a fashion blog - most of the time - we couldn't help but notice the great styling team behind the actress. From episode one we loved her colourful cardigans, retro dresses, and the original jewelry. All of this plus other quirky accessories make her the fashion icon hardly anyone is talking about.
Her wardrobe consists of a lot of J Crew, Anthropologie, some flawless Marc Jacobs numbers, such as a wonderful red coat she once wore teamed with a cute beret (see below). There's even a website dedicated to her, What Would Emma Pillsbury Wear? which periodically lists where Emma's clothes come from. Another useful tool to emulate the shy fashionista is CoolSpotters. Want some more Emma style?
oh and THAT Marc by Marc Jacobs coat
Pictures: Fox