From the Fashion Spot – Vogue Germany April 2008 : Luca Gadjus by Vincent Peters
On Friday, February 11th, all everyone could speak about was Lady Gaga's new single. Now, I have not much to say about it, as it sounded a lot like Cher circa Believe and Madonna's Express Yourself, but then Lady Gaga sounds like a lot of people, a lot of the time.
What saddened me was not that we have a generation of young adults who adore nothing new, but that very few remembered that it had been a year since an actual, TRUE, genius had left us. The amazingly talented Alexander McQueen.
Then in the evening, the news celebrated an explosion of happiness in Egypt, as Mubarak had finally stepped down. Inspirational to the rest of the world. Scary at times, power to the people chants ensued. Quite a few countries/communities are being inspired by this and we can only wait to see how the following months evolve.
Inspiration comes in so many ways. I get inspired by a song, a famous quote, a pair of shoes some model is wearing... anything, really.
A lot of time is people I don't even know, like this girl I follow on Twitter. She expressed how me and my partner have been feeling for the past weeks, following a painful disappointment. At the end of it all, this is what friendship really is, and you should feel blessed for anyone that fits the description below.
Although I can't afford to buy my favourite magazines every month, they are a huge source of inspiration. This January Vogue cover finally got me to wear red lipstick - I'm wearing it today, by the way.
And talking about huge sources of inspiration, how about these Louboutins? Amazing colour, right? Which begs the question, do you have a pair of "jewels" by said designer? Inspire me, please :)
Picture: Vogue, Twitter, Fashion Limbo, Louboutin