NYC Style Spot   +  Inspiration

Forever21+ Giveaway
This Spring I'm all about crop tops and ombre hair, and I decided to combine the two since it's finally warming up in NYC. Inspired by Alexa Chung, Lauren Conrad, Drew Barrymore, and the rest of the celebs who have recently sported the brown-to-blonde locks, I decided to try it out too! I kept it super simple with the outfit; I'm wearing a blush cropped tee from H&M and my velvet mini skirt from F21. Totally channeling my life idol: Crop Top-H&M, Velvet Mini-F21, Earrings-Fennimas, Nude Wedges-F21
Forever21 was nice enough to send over a few items to give away to YFF readers! All you have to do to enter is comment below with which one you'd like (and your email address), and I will pick one winner for each item on April 15th. You can enter an additional time by tweeting: "I just entered @nycstylespot's #YFF Forever21 giveaway: "

Polka Dot Dress, Size 2x (16/18) Blue Dress, Size 1x (14/16) Floral Denim Shorts, Size 14 The contest ends April 14th at midnight! Good luck!