NYC Style Spot   +  spring

Randolph Street Market: Opening Weekend!
randolph_aquabbqMemorial Day Weekend means grilling, sunning at the beach and the chance to wear white again, right? In Chicago it also means the start of VINTAGE shopping season, when flea markets like the Randolph Street Market are outdoors again and packed with more vendors than ever before.
I was fortunate enough to be invited to the first ever blogger events sponsored by the Randolph Street Market this weekend. I'll be posting photos from the 2 events and my finds from the market over the next few days. Originally I planned one mega post but didn't think any of you would appreciate 50+ photos in one go!
My friend Albert was my +1 for Saturday morning's event-- a blogger brunch and early admission to the market. The market didn't officially open to the public until 10AM but we got to go in 2 hours early, at 8AM. We thankfully fueled up with coffee before perusing the goods. Unfortunately the forecast was grim (it was super gray while we were there) so I'm happy the three hours we were there the rain held off.
Enjoy this quick photographic tour of the market and if anyone reading knows the vendors of these items leave a comment so I can post up any contact information/websites.randolph_aquabbq2Look at this aqua rolling bbq/grill/bar. Isn't this the perfect item for a patio? It also had an attached umbrella to shade the cook while he or she is flipping burgers.randolph_birdcageAs you can tell, aqua is my favorite color so I always gravite towards taking pictures of items in this hue. One of the 'hot' vintage trends right now are birdcages, I was drawn to the shape and color of this model-- it looks to be from the 1960s? I know industrial numbers and letters are rather passé now but it's hard not to be sucked in by their graphic look.randolph_duckrandolph_artrandolph_thriftystampsI'm finding myself more and more drawn to 'rustic chic' items. Yes, I can't escape my Arkansas past. I think the metal box is some sort of animal trap/carrier? Old signage is always chic, I'm curious what 'thrifty stamps' were?randolph_lamprandolph_bathtubrandolph_elephantrandolph_bobbinsrandolph_sketchesrandolph_leatherchairsThe photos above and below reminded me of the trend reports from the latest Brimfield Market-- apparently worn in leather chairs are 'so hot right now'.randolph_floatersrandolph_orangeradioWho can resist space age/mod/1960s orange streamlined goodness? No idea where the 31 sign originally hailed from, Albert thought it was from an airport.randolph_31randolph_kittenpillowHandhooked kitten pillow that the vendor said was from the early 1900s. So tempted to get it but I have a rule against buying vintage pillows.randolph_albertAlbert posing with a super kitsch hand tinted photograph of a poodle in our friend Leah's booth. Either Albert or I should have brought it home, it was only $35.randolph_leahshirtAbove and below are two more shots from Leah's booth. Look at the groovy print on the shirt: birds, butterflies AND flowers. randolph_leahsboothVintage Hawaiiana always tempts me as my first name is Hawaiian and I spent half my childhood in Maui. The woman in cateye glasses portrait also called to me but I'm trying not to inundate my apartment with even more kitsched out art.randolph_dethrow2While browsing the market I found myself drawn more and more to unusual, older items with the character and soul that is lacking from the usual MCM fare that I favor. One great example of this style is Jon Dethrow's items at the booth he shared with his sister Karyn of Dethrose Vintage. Both of them have impeccable tastes, wish I had a brother to serve as my thrifting/antiquing partner in crime.randolph_dethrowAnother photo from the Dethrow's booth, wish I'd gotten more, there were tons of customers there so I didn't want to get in the way.randolph1Albert is an avid collector of folk art and owns several 3-D portraits like the one above. They are called fotoescultura and were created by artisans in Mexico mainly in the 1930s and 1940s and are based on a photographic image. The 'suit jacket' is painted wood and it's set into a glass and wood frame. Outside of this vendor I'd never seen this type of art before, wish I could have afforded to add one to my collection.randolph_duoOn the right are more examples of the fotoesculturas (along with some creepy carved bunny dolls) and on the left is a scene from another booth-- I'm not Catholic but collect vintage Virgin Mary statues/medals.
Did any of you go to the Randolph Street Market? What did you find?
I'm linking up to Her Library Adventures' Flea Market Finds this week too.