1970s Style at North Avenue Beach
I kicked off the 4th of July weekend off early last Thursday and attended a party at North Avenue Beach hosted by Havaianas. They invited Chicago-area fashion and style bloggers to help them kick off the start of their pop-up shop, located right on the beach. While there I enjoyed eating mini cupcakes from Crumb, indulging in a free cocktail and making new friends. Unfortunately the weather was not on our side, as the sky was stormy the whole time we were there and I just made it back on a bus before the rain and HAIL. Yes, Chicago actually got 'golf-ball' size hail that night, I hadn't seen hail that big here before (we used to frequently get hail back in my Southern hometown).Fortunately I met Sara, of It's About the Look, at the party and we had a chance to do a mini photo shoot of our outfits before the rain let loose. She's super sweet and I'm looking forward to our future summer adventures together!Sarah is great at posing, check out her blog for shots of her nifty eye makeup and details of where she found her outfit.Besides my shoes, my entire outfit is vintage and from the 1970s! Since I wear the same vintage pieces yearround (with layers in the winter), I've been trying to find ways to mix up my warddrobe-- here I wore a 1970s skirt found at the Salvation Army as a skirt.Yet another one of my 1970s saddle bags, I have quite the collection now-- this one has tooled flowers on the front and is the perfect size for outdoor music fests, bbqs and the beach!Since I'm wearing simpler dresses in the summer I tend to wear bolder jewelry, a good example is this tiered gold leaf necklace. I found it four years ago at a garage sale-- it was actually hanging from a branch in the person's back yard and I had to ask them if it was for sale!In the summer I also rock bangle bracelets, this set of wood bangles was found at a Chicago thrift store. The copper Etruscan style ring was found at a Chicago antique store and the wide leather belt at the Brown Elephant thrift store during their 50 percent off sale!It was so windy my hair kept flying all over the place while we were taking pictures, sadly not in the cool 'windblown' look either. The bunch of flowers in my hair are old millinery pieces found at an estate sale (I just bobbypinned them behind my ear).Look at that ominous sky, the storm is about to roll in any minute! See more coverage of the Havaianas event at Amy Creyer's blog, Chicago Street Style.