tomorrow. what would happen tomorrow? today would be perfectly defined as yesterday's tomorrow. so what do we have in our life? what is it the term we are used to call time? is that something necessary and worth valuing? and death. is that a start for another life? as today's life we count it as the previous life's next life? am i tricking you with word twists? no. but that's what i've been thinking lately. the moment i decided to let go of everything and just live my life the way it's supposed to be, without any direction. like an empty bottle on the street, waiting for someone to pick me up or even crush me into pieces. i'm nobody, nothing and i have no destination to go. until i find the light and righteous destiny to live. i'm willing for God to take my life now if He wants. but oh well, though sometimes that thoughts perish with the air, but a little piece of my heart says so.
I need something to make me feel happy and healed. i'm broken and full of flaws. i'm like a shattered glass, brittle and fragile. every crack reminds me of the scar, the scar that everyone has carved on my brittle surface. scratches, yes they scratch me with the sharpest thing ever in life. is that even fair for me? living my life with full of naive people? top - agent ninetynineskirt - ryu myuscarf - clemente talaricoheels - jeffrey campbell